Nurture is a bespoke two-year course for students with complex, profound and multiple learning disabilities.
Highly personalised for each student, Nurture’s curriculum is based around communication, social interaction, independence and wellbeing.
The Nurture programme is a pre-vocational programme, based at our Gobowen campus, aimed at supporting young people to transition from school to adult life. Students will learn positive choice-making to increase and enhance quality of life outcomes.
Sessions include exercise and movement, communication engagement, kitchen skills and sensory exploration.
Where appropriate, sessions teach and promote the use of assistive technology.
We are able to offer the Nurture programme as a day or residential placement.
Therapies within Nurture
Our wider team of therapists fully support students on our Nurture Programme. Therapies include:
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Physiotherapy
This support may be in a 1:1 session, or embedded into group learning activities. Strategies and exercises are embedded into each students’ learning activities.
Students have access to a wide range of environments to support their learning within the Nurture Centre and, the wider college and community including:
- Sensory room
- Hydrotherapy pool and swimming pool
- Sports hall and gym
- Derwen commercial outlets, including a cafe and restaurant
- Outdoor learning centre and woodland
- Student Union
Care and Independence
Students’ care and independence needs are central to our curriculum approach in Nurture including personal care, eating, drinking and medication supporting them to have control and independence in these areas of their lives.
Typical outcomes and possible next steps
Students on the Nurture programme will gain the knowledge and understanding they need to succeed in their chosen destination beyond college. The curriculum is designed to maximise skills for adult life, including moving into supported living and increased community participation / social mobility.
- Supported living
- Coping with new environments
- Increased spontaneity
- Experience of work and increased engagement in the community
Of our recent graduates, we are proud to have seen the following outcomes
Student A is non-verbal. Through the curriculum the Nurture team used a range of communication approaches, eye gaze technology and physiotherapy to ensure that he was in control of his choices. As his confidence in his learning grew, he joined the Student Council helping to raise awareness of accessibility around College. He is now able to communicate meaningful decisions about his life, and can confidently express his needs and wishes.
Student B significantly increased his standing time during curriculum sessions utilising a walking sling. The specialist equipment allowed him to move more independently and increased his stability. Being able to greet a member of staff at the door, standing – and seeing their reaction – was a huge boost to his self-esteem.
Student C, who has a life-limiting condition and a visual impairment, has demonstrated significant progress within his curriculum. He is now able to communicate his needs to learning support at college. He has transferred these skills to his home environment. His physical strength and communication have improved and he is far more confident in the community.