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The Hospitality, Housekeeping and Customer Service pathway at our Telford campus offers a broad range of skill development opportunities.

Through this pathway, students learn skills and work-based routines that will allow them to access a variety of employment opportunities within this sector.

Print Shop at Derwen College Telford

Students on the Hospitality, Housekeeping and Customer Service pathway will also be an important team member in our Print Work Shop, contributing towards practical enterprise.

Some of the skills you will learn include:

  • Customer service skills
  • Hospitality skills (food preparation and service)
  • Housekeeping skills
  • ICT
  • Health and safety
  • Food hygiene

Typical outcomes for Hospitality, Housekeeping and Customer Service students

  • Vocational qualification up to Level 1
  • Functional Skills qualification up to Level 2
  • Subject-specific qualifications
  • Experience in:
    > internal and external workplaces
    > local and national competitions
    > community and national events

Pre-entry requirements

  • Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) (England) or Individual Development Plan (IDP) (Wales)
  • Students aged 16–25
  • Derwen College able to meet need

Functional Skills

Functional Skills comprises of English, maths and ICT and is delivered through small discrete groups and embedded into every aspect of the pathway. It is linked to vocational activities and everyday life.

Work Experience

Placements for work experience are bespoke to each learner.

Work experience at a local cafe

We have close working relationships with local employers which have led to a wide range of work experience opportunities such as:


Travel training

Independence skills are embedded into sessions with the Hospitality, Housekeeping and Customer Service pathway. These skills may include:

  • Travel training
  • Skills in the home, such as preparing and cooking food, laundry, hoovering
  • Skills in the community, such as shopping, budgeting, personal safety

Personal, social and health education (PSHE)

Learners take part in all of the following PSHE modules:

  • Online safety
  • My place in the world
  • Relationships and sex education

Sport, leisure and wellbeing

Some wellbeing activities are on offer as part of the day including creative arts and sports. Lots of special occasions are celebrated including prize-giving, prom, religious festivals, and events.

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers Education Advice and Guidance overview

CEIAG is an integral part of the Hospitality, Housekeeping and Customer Service programme.

Students on a vocational pathway take part in small group employability sessions. External guests, including Industry Champions, local business owners and ex-students, are invited to talk to students about their experiences outside of College.

Impartial CIAG is also provided by an external Careers Advisor.

Learner Voice and Student Union Board

Derwen College Student Union (SU) is affiliated with the National Union of
Students. Each October, students vote for who they want to represent them on the SU Board. There is one representative and one deputy representative from each pathway.

Students learn how to communicate their likes, dislikes, and thoughts, and how to represent the thoughts of other students to make Derwen College a special place for all of them.

Universal therapy provision

Teddy in Scotland
Teddy the therapy dog

All students benefit from access to therapy services enabling a universal approach to develop independence in preparation for adulthood and transition post-College.

Students can also spend with Teddy, the College therapy dog.

Possible next steps after college

  • Paid work
  • Voluntary work
  • Local college or training programme
  • Supported living