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Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance helps you to develop skills to make informed choices and plan for your future.

Student at Derwen College Graduation

This information and advice will help you to prepare for life after Derwen College.

In addition to working within your pathway or programme area, you will go to Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance sessions.

Here you will learn about skills and qualities needed in the work place, how to present yourself at work and you will create your own CV.

Meet the team

Key members of staff at Derwen College will work with you to ensure you have all the information you need, right the way through college.

Careers Education Advice and Guidance overview

If you want further information about Careers Education Advice and Guidance, you can have a look at the documents below:

Careers Strategy and a Careers Policy

Since 2020 all schools and colleges have been required to provide an excellent careers education for all students. At Derwen College, we have a Careers Strategy and a Careers Policy in place to ensure we are achieving this.

We want all our students to have access to an excellent careers education. We do this by using the Gatsby benchmarks and the Matrix Standards review.

Careers education programme

We have a team of staff dedicated to making sure that we provide an excellent careers education programme. This will start with our admissions team, who will help you to choose the most appropriate pathway/programme to support your aspirations for the future.


Once you are at Derwen College, the team will support you throughout your time here, making sure you are ready for transition from Derwen College.

We are proud of the journeys our students make once they leave Derwen College, many of our students will move towards paid or voluntary work, supported living and will be active citizens within their community.

Student case studies

Read about some of the journeys past students have taken after they have left Derwen College.

Destination data

The national average of young people with SEND going into work is 5.4%. The chart below shows how Derwen College graduates far exceed the national average.

Chart showing destination data for Derwen College students
The chart shows the destination data for graduates of Derwen College.

*Information updated annually

Career’s leaders at Derwen College