Derwen College welcomed VIPs and media, including BBC Midlands Today and Radio Shropshire to join us in honouring two of our top, most inspirational teachers.
Selected from thousands of nominations, Derwen College Sports & Leisure Co-ordinator Steve Evans was honoured as one of 102 Pearson National Teaching Silver Award winning teachers across the country. Teacher Steve Evans won the Silver Award in The Award for Excellence in Special Needs Education.
Derwen College Performing Art and Learning for Life teacher Jessie Vaughan has been recognised with a Bronze Award in the Digital Innovator of the Year category.
Steve was commended for his determination to bring out the best in every student. By partnering with community and national sports organisations, Steve has enabled a wide and inclusive range of opportunities for students. His passion and drive has been instrumental in bringing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards to Derwen College, giving students the opportunity, motivation and self-belief to get involved with these challenging awards, encouraging them to strive and attain goals beyond their expectations.
Steve Evans has now been shortlisted to win one of just 15 Gold Awards later in the year, in a programme which will be broadcast on the BBC.
Jessie was honoured in the Digital Innovator of the Year category for her commitment to embracing technology to engage with students at home and at college. She used online meetings, social media and videos during lockdown, thinking creatively to make sure each and every student felt a part of college even if they were based miles away.
Principal Meryl Green and Chair of Governors K Kimber attended the virtual celebration to honour Steve and Jessie.
“We are proud and delighted that teachers Steve and Jessie’s amazing work has been recognised in this way. Despite the incredible outcomes that their students achieve they remain modest and firmly grounded. For both, students are always centre stage, and going ‘over and above’ is just the norm.
At Derwen College, we believe that young people with SEND deserve the best possible life chances and are proud to have staff who do everything in their power to achieve this. Both Jessie and Steve really are an inspiration to students and the colleagues working alongside them.”
Do you dream about taking part in the London Marathon?
This is your chance to enter!
We are inviting staff, students and their families, key stakeholders and members of the local community to apply for a spot for the London Marathon 2026.
And all we ask for, in return for your spot, is that you do a spot of fundraising to support our charity and help raise awareness of this wonderful college and our students who achieve so much.
We can’t wait to get behind our runners and cheer them on their journey.