Derwen College has successfully completed a best practice Five Star Occupational Health and Safety Audit, conducted by the British Safety Council.
This five-star health and safety certificate demonstrates our commitment towards the continual improvement of health and safety management systems and associated arrangements.

The College underwent a comprehensive, quantified and robust evaluation of our occupational health and safety policies, processes and practices.
The audit process included documentation review, interviews with senior management, employees and other key stakeholders. As well as with sampling of operational activities. The audit measured performance against key health and safety management best practice indicators. It also included a detailed review of over 60 component elements.
We were awarded a five-star rating following the audit. This is reflective of a best practice organisation.
Mike Robinson, CEO British Safety Council, said:
“The award of a five-star grading following our occupational best practice Health and Safety Audit is an outstanding achievement.
It is reflective of a proactive organisation which is committed to continual improvement in its health and safety arrangements and managing risks to workers’ health, safety and wellbeing. Derwen College should be very proud of this achievement.”
Natalie Bellis, Director of Human Resources and Estates, said:
“We are very pleased that the British Safety Council have recognised the commitment across all areas of College to achieve this top safety rating.
To achieve five stars in such a rigorous audit has been a long process and a concerted team effort. We are delighted to have achieved the highest external accreditation.”