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Derwen College: Winner of the Queens Award for Enterprise 2022

Derwen College’s Governors and Trustees set the mission and strategic direction of the College.

They are also responsible for scrutinising the College’s performance.

Governor / Trustee Role

trustees reflections front coverAll Governors / Trustees are volunteers.

They attend six board meetings, and around six committee meetings per annum, usually 3–5pm on weekdays.

The contribution of Governors / Trustees is invaluable to the development of the College.

Find out how to become a governor at Derwen College.

Minutes of meetings

Minutes of meetings can be requested via our Governance Professional:

Mark Baker, Derwen College, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 3JA

You can email:

The Board of Governors

Kathleen Kimber

Chair of Governors,
Chair of Search & Governance

Mark Lord

Vice Chair of Governors

Louise Burns

Chair of Audit & Risk Assurance

Mick Cowan

Chair of Standards & Effectiveness

Vicki Cox

Andy Grove

Barry Langfield

Liz Leigh

Abi Plowden

Jamie Ward

Chair of Resources and Business

Paul Crosby

Committee Co-optee
Resources and Business