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We have planted a tree at College as a lasting legacy to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee.

Students taking part in our Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards scheme, planted a tree in the new Duke of Edinburgh’s Outdoor Centre.

Two Duke of Edinburgh's Awards students use spades to prepare the ground for the planting of a tree.
Students prepared the ground ready for the Liquidamber tree planted in memory of Her Majesty the Queen.

They were guided by Garden Centre Supervisor and teacher Will Lyon to plant a Liquidamber Worplesdon to become one of the Queen’s Green Canopy – an initiative taking place across the UK.

The Queen’s Green Canopy was initially created to mark the Platinum Jubilee, and was due to conclude in December 2022. However, following the wishes of its Patron, His Majesty The King, The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) initiative will be extended to the end of March 2023 to give people the opportunity to plant trees in memoriam to honour Her Majesty.

The Queen’s Green Canopy is proud to be creating a living legacy with over a million trees planted in Her Majesty’s name across the nation. An interactive map created by The Queen’s Green Canopy will showcase the planting projects across the United Kingdom.

Our Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Outdoor Centre is a dedicated base for students to practise the skills needed for their expeditions. The site gives students the chance to try out different terrains, try out a selection of varying gates and stiles, and even have a go in a canoe simulator.

All students, regardless of disabilities, are encouraged to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards programme. This year, we’ve further adapted the programme to include students from the newly-developed Nurture programme for young adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD).

We’re honoured to be able to combine the skills of our Horticulture team, with the work of our DofE groups, to be part of this lasting legacy to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

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